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Resource Library

Resources are documents of various types, such as PDF and Word, but also images and videos. All documents in the Resource Library are available for download. Most of the documents are publicly available elsewhere, but in order to have a permanent record that is easy to use, we decided to archive everything here.

The Resource Library is meant to be browsable, so you can click your way through it. We will be adding a search capability in the near future. Many of the documents here are referenced in our Educational Narratives that are on the home page, so that is another way of finding what you may be looking for. All the source material for our Educational Narratives are linked to resources that exist in the Resource Library.

In some cases collections of documents have been bundled together into a ZIP format file, and the ZIP file is available for download. The entry in this library will describe the contents.

Documents by Issue


Documents By Source

Miscellaneous Documents

Legal documents